

Prof. Cervera develops her teaching at University of Valencia in the area of International Marketing (international group), Services Marketing and Tourism. She has also been a visiting lecturer at FHS KUFSTEIN TIROL BILDUNGS – GMBH, Paris XIII, UNAPEC Santo Domingo.

Publications / Research Projects / Awards

She has published in journals such as European Journal of Marketing, International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education, International Journal of Service Industry Management, among others. She is in the scientific committee of several national and international journals. She has presented papers at national and international conferences. She has directed and directs research projects relevant to government and business. She currently directs a European Project regarding sustainable development in the Mediterranean Sea Basin. She also advises institutions and companies mainly in the area of service, innovation and value.


She is coordinator of the PhD in Marketing at University of Valencia. She is also Vice President of the Intl. Association of Public and Nonprofit Mk. Co-Director of iMBA (International Master on Business Administration, official graduate of the University of Valencia taught together at the University of Applied Sciences-Hochschule Bremen (Germany), University of North Carolina at Wilmington (USA), Academy of National Economy Moscow- Institute of Business Studies, Moscow (Russia), University of Hertfordshire (UK) and Universiti Tun Abdul Razak (Malaysia) (2009-2012).

Research Interests

Strategic Marketing — Innovation, Brand, Sustainable Entrepreneurship Orientation —
Service Marketing with Sectorial Applications — Tourism, Public Organizations —

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